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The phrase is not mine, though the intention is.  It was said by John THAVIS, quoted in this week’s TIME (September 21, 2015), author of the just published “The Vatican Prophecies”.  Thavis was, for thirty years, a “Vaticanista”, and a former Catholic News Service bureau chief.  His book is an insider’s look at how the Vatican checks out claims of supernatural phenomena which regularly go viral on the Internet.  He laments that rubbish like Jesus’ face on a piece of toast or Mary’s on a tree trunk (or, in Australia, on a fence post at Coogee in Sydney), “creates confusion and doubt among the faithful”.  As well it might !

I had never heard of Thavis.  Worse, he has never heard of me.  So I put a comment on his blog, letting him know who I am and why he should read this blog.   I am hoping he will post a comment.  I have begun a novena to St Jude, Patron of Hopeless Causes, to make sure he does. Watch this space !