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While I’m still in my nostalgic mood, I thought I’d break another Blog record, and post a third piece in three consecutive days on the way we were.  Five questions you won’t read anywhere else.  When you read them you may say “No wonder !”

—   “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.  It is one week since my last confession.  I had impure thoughts nine times.”  How old do Catholics have to be to have said those words in Confession ?

—   What on earth did I say in my First Confession ?  I was seven.  Perhaps I confessed smoking my First Cigarette.  The story is told in Chapter One of my book “From Illusions to Illumination”, sacrilegiously associating my First Cigarette with my First Communion.

—  Was the challenge of coming up with “sins” to confess an aid to the development of my imagination ?  As a Franciscan student, confessing to “breaking the silence” or having unkind thoughts about a psychotic professor, must have bored the confessor, unless he happened to be the professor in question.

—   Did I seriously believe, as a confessor myself, that that adulterer on the other side of the screen would go to Hell if I did not absolve him ?

—   As our A380 nose-dives into the China Sea, will believers who know my (hi)story beg me to pronounce the magic words of a General Absolution, knowing that such words are just as effective coming from an ex(communicated) priest as from one in good standing ?  (“Just as effective”, indeed . . .).

Voilà a few random questions on the rebaptized Sacrament of Reconciliation, one of the surviving absurdities of Catholic faith and practice.