(We are interrupting here our brief series of OBITER DICTA, and return to the blog’s theme of religious credulity, a.k.a. blindfaithblindfolly. We will, from time to time, include other O.D. posts, marked as such.)

“Republicans in Name Only” – “RINOS” – obviously inspired the title of this post. I have, indeed, begun to wonder whether all those people who say they are Catholic, really believe what their Church teaches. Before Vatican 2, we called some folks “lapsed” Catholics, meaning that though they may still have been (lukewarm) believers, they no longer went to Mass or to Confession. “Nominal” Catholics were practically their equivalent. Today, many “good” Catholics have given up regular attendance at obligatory Sunday Mass. They go to Mass at Christmas and Easter and a few other times during the year, but they clearly no longer believe their “missing Mass” is going to send them to Hell.

How many other doctrines and commandments do they ignore, dismiss and roundly reject ? I suspect that many of them do not believe that Mary was assumed into Heaven , or perhaps even that Jesus rose from the dead before ascending into Heaven. The Resurrection is, of course, THE fundamental doctrine of Christianity. But to them it’s like so many of the other Gospel “miracles”, a story, nothing more. In saying “Amen” at Communion to the priest’s “The Body of Christ”, they no longer mean it literally. The one belief they have not abandoned concerns what happens when they die. They continue to fear the “Last Judgement”, and willingly accept the Last Rites, including the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, after confessing their sins and receiving Holy Communion, “Viaticum”, food for the journey (!). Even on their death-bed they may not be 100% sure about the “afterlife”, but feel safer by hedging their bets in accepting Eternal Life Insurance. They have probably never heard of Pascal’s Wager but, like the French philosopher, figure what have they got to lose ? Of course, they may not have the luxury of having a priest at hand when the time comes. Maybe an Act of Perfect Contrition will do the trick . . . Cross your fingers, mate !