“Suffer the little children to come unto” … the Christmas crib.  Whether you call it Christmas (“Chrissy “, for some Australians !), Xmas, Yuletide or the Festive Season (to include Hannukah), even atheists should tolerate and enjoy the trappings of a timeless, touching tradition rather than scoff at it.  It’s quaint and even heart-warming, when we see our children and grandchildren enjoy it so much.  Let the Killjoys and Scrooges sulk in their solitude, while we soak in the sentiment of Christmases past, present and future.

The tiny tots, and even their pre-adolescent siblings, have never heard of virgins, but they know a Mummy when they see one.  They know all about angels and believe they have one of their own.  They may have seen a stable but never one with a baby in it sleeping on straw.  They love animals, at least the non-scary ones.  Older children may wonder why those three kings are offering the baby expensive-looking presents He is too young to appreciate.  It never occurs to them to wonder whether all this ever really happened . . .  once upon a time.  Nor should it, at least at this time of year, occur to us.  My Christmas wish is that parents will, when the time is right, tell their kids the truth about both Santa and Jesus.

Merry Christmas to all my readers, faith-full or faith-less.