

Otis Redding’s famous  ballad was written in a boat (not on the dock) just before he died and was published posthumously.  I have no intention of croaking any time soon, and what I’m writing here On Zeee Beeech in S-W France, will be published prehumously.  I could not, however, resist the comparison.  I once lived in a modest house in Sydney, a maid’s tiny flat when I was Down and Out in Paris, in beautiful, mortgaged homes in two of the United States, and, for ten years, in a luxuriously restored French Château, when I was a Director of a multinational’s corporate University.  But my favorite place is here, on the deck of my beach-house overlooking the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay.  Hard to beat.

Here I have time to think, time to remember, time to be grateful to my family and many others for making my life, careers and comfortable retirement so enjoyable.  Time, above all, to write, usually serious stuff, sometimes frivolous froth like this.  Thanks for bothering to read it and the other 575 thought-bubbles already posted.

      VIVA     LA     VITA  !