Recently I had the good fortune of viewing on French TV a detailed analysis of how doubt is exploited to discredit scientists’ proven data on a variety of dangers to which we are exposed. It has been proven, for example, that pesticides are the cause of the death of bees around the world. But certain scientists, financially backed by the enterprises that produce the pesticides, use both their knowledge and professional reputation and credibility to sow doubts about the validity of the arguments of their confreres become whistle-blowers who have spoken out in a massive “J’Accuse” against the companies in question. The famous controversy concerning Round-Up is dissected in detail, leading to doubts about the proven danger of the popular weed-killer, as are the arguments of tobacco companies by putting into doubt that the prime culprit causing lung-cancer is nicotine, rather than multiple other causes. The certitude concerning the human origin of climate-change is dismissed by the henchmen of nations and enterprises responsible for toxic pollution as the left-wing doctrine of fanatical ecologists, ridiculed as “watermelons”, green on the outside and red on the inside.

It was long thought that the gainsayers of objective scientific evidence in all of these domains were motivated by the bribes offered them by oil-companies, the coal industry and pesticide producers. The video suggests that research has revealed that while this may be true for some, the principal motivation of defenders of the capitalist status-quo has always been extreme right-wing ideology, rather than the sole financial interest of guilty corporate polluters and individual scientists prepared to betray their profession for thirty pieces of silver. The gainsayers define their task not as proving the honest ecologist-scientists wrong – which they cannot do – but in producing doubt in the minds of the general public.

Militant atheists might learn something from these shrewd, dishonest polemicists and ask themselves the question : should we concentrate on sowing doubts in the minds of believers, rather than launch a frontal attack on their theology ? We know that we cannot prove that they are wrong, although we also know that they are totally deluded and mistaken in accepting the claims of religions and their “holy” books. Our use of the dishonest scientists’ strategy in no way implies that believers are right, as are in fact the honest scientists. But getting Believers on the Brink to begin to question their faith could be more effective than trying to prove them wrong. This is why I have opted for trying to get them to realize how childishly credulous they are in gobbing the laughable fables, “miracles” and doctrines they were brainwashed to accept as certitudes. To make our convictions contagious, empathy is an essential ally, which is why I tell readers of this blog that for half of my 84 years I shared their certitudes, that I believed as they still do – until I found myself saying : “Believers have got to be kidding … themselves !”

I try to sow doubts by sharing those which forced me to recognize that indeed I had been conned (innocently enough) by the blind leading the blind. My unfounded “certitudes” were based on myths, legends and wishful, primitive thinking worthy of children, not mature adults. This is why – to quote a parable of Jesus – I have become a sower of seeds, the seeds of doubt that have bloomed into my present, very different certitudes.

I doubt, therefore I am … an atheist. I was a blind believer but “I can see clearly now that faith has gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day” (thanks, Johnny Nash).