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Today’s “The Guardian” (Sunday, June 5) carries the story of Pope Francis’ long-awaited promise to fire Bishops who cover-up their priests’ pedophilia.  It ends with the statement that legal settlements in the States have already cost $3,000,000,000.  That’s money Catholics gave the Church, which the courts forced to pay some of the victims of the priest-predators.

Something is rotten in the State of the Vatican and the branches of the world’s largest multinational.  Australia’s Cardinal Pell, himself accused of episcopal cover-up, is the current cardinal in charge of Church finances.  Plenty more where that came from.  My bet is that the Pope, though he refuses to fire Cardinal Barbarin in Lyons, will accept Pell’s resignation and retirement on his upcoming 75th birthday, and let him face the music Down Under.  But it will not be a Requiem for a Church with egg on its face and sperm on its priests’ penises.  For Catholics will continue to pick up the tab for the criminals among the clergy.  Like the brook, the Church will go on forever.  Credulity and hypocrisy have no limits.

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